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1st Setup Deadline ends in
September 2 -23, 2024
CYBER FAIR Setup Organization
SETUP: Aug 30 - Sept 2
2nd Extended Setup Deadline ends in
GENERAL Timeline:
➥ 28 Aug - Bloggers room opens
➥ 30 Aug - Sept 2nd (12:00 pm slt) - regular SETUP period
➥ 2 Sept (12:01 pm slt ) - 3 Sept (6:00 am slt) - Extended additional Setup period (18 additional hours)
➥ 3 Sept - 6:00 am slt - Final Setup Deadline
➥ 3 Sept - 6:00 am slt - EARLY SHOPPING starts
➥ 3 Sept - 12:00 pm slt - CYBER Fair Opens
Please read and respect the Rules of the Fair regarding your participation.
If there is any change in your participation, please inform us immediately inworld, on Discord or via email:
By Sept 2nd - 12:00 PM SLT (24 hours before the opening)
Your setup must be finished by the end of the 1st Deadline.
By Sept 3rd - 6:00 AM SLT > This is the final Setup Deadline!
Should you need to cross the 1st Deadline, or need more time, you MUST purchase an Extension - This Deadline Extension ( a purchasable prim) will be available to buy (2000L$) on your assigned booth, giving you an additional 18 hours time to finish your booth by Sept 3rd - 6:00 AM SLT
EVENT MAP - Click here to see your booth location!
- The land will be very busy, and the interest is HUGE, We request that you setup your booth with MINIMUM land impact and set your objects phantom to reduce the lag.
- Setup only if you are ready 100%, incomplete setup will be returned.
- Prepare your setup and booth to fit the fair main theme, please. We have the right to return your items and cancel your participation if you're not doing so.
- No additional scripts other than VENDOR and Scripts needed to display the product are allowed.
Social signs & scripts are not allowed. Please remove the moving light effect scripts from your booths and any other not necessary script.
No Redelivery at your booth, please. However, you can set the event item's redelivery at your Mainstore.
- Setup with Casper event script or EasyVend ONLY if you are a CasperVend user!! This does not apply to MD vendor users.
- Please stick to the allowed prims: VIP Sponsors - 250 // Sponsors - 100prims // Standards - 70 prims
- As soon as you have your Vendor Ad ready, please email it to us via e-mail, add to CYBER Fair Flickr group:
- Mark your Exclusives with the CYBER Fair Exclusive png file! Either on the Original Ad you post or add it as prim on your Ad in the booth display.
- Add the CYBER Fair Camsim together with the main Landmark, when you post your products on social media
- Should you need a DEMO AREA for your product, please contact Bamzii or Lyda Sands to set you up with Teleporter on your booth.
- Do not forget to leave Bloggers copies in the Bloggers room: CYBER Fair bloggers room Location
Thank you for working hard for CYBER Fair. We appreciate your efforts.
For any additional information, contact CYBER Fair Team:
- Silvia Antorian
- Lyda Sands & Bamzii
(Setup Coordinators)
- Abyss Artful
( Blogger Manager)
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